Enter two weeks later, when I realized I had 3 old-ish apples and a boyfriend who was on a business trip. I Googled this recipe from Alex Guarnaschelli, who I adore, and let my apples soak in the simple syrup mixture overnight. In the morning, I followed the reviewer's suggestions, and made sure to lay my apple slices in a single layer on a grill pan so they wouldn't stick too bad. The recipe said it would only take an hour to cook these to a delicious chip-y crisp, so I popped these babies in the oven at about 225 degrees.
Alas, after an hour and a half, they were still rather soft. I'm not going to lie and tell you that these turned out amazing, because I got impatient, cranked the heat up, and burned them to a dark brown crisp. However, I believe in this recipe! I think these apple chips in a patient person's kitchen would be utterly amazing.
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