Budgeting for groceries seems to be getting tougher, as produce prices constantly fluctuate and items that we purchase on a weekly basis never seem to have a sale or coupon available. It's easy to get a break on junk food, but health food is rarely sold at a discount. Not to be deterred, I have started couponing in an attempt to stretch our grocery dollars further, and planning for two weeks of meals at a time will allow us to buy some items in bulk.
Last night, we went shopping, armed with a scaled-down list, a few coupons, and an exact meal plan for the week (I thought of doing two week's worth this morning, when I saw how much meat we bought!). We ended up spending about 30% more than what I wanted, but after looking over the things that can be frozen to use next week, I thought there must be a way to save 30% next week to even our budget out.
My meals for this week are (I try to incorporate 1 chicken dish, 1 fish dish, and lots of veggies):
Maple-Glazed Chicken with Mashed Potatoes
Baked Parmesan-Crusted Tilapia with Garlic Bread and Roasted Broccoli
Baked Farfalle with Chicken and Broccoli
Stuffed Bell Peppers and Stuffed Mushrooms
Crock-Pot Pork Roast with Scalloped Potatoes
We bought so much meat this grocery trip, because almost every dish has a different protein! We ended up with:
- 3 1/4 pounds chicken breast
- 5 pounds of pork loin
- 14 ounces of Tilapia
- 1 pound ground turkey
- 2 1/2 pounds chicken breast (no need to buy more)
- 2 1/2 pounds of pork loin (ditto)
- 3 ounces of Tilapia (I'll buy another pound of frozen fillets for about $5)
- 1/2 pound ground turkey