We have the opportunity on the daily to make a positive impact on the world around us.
Whether one goes through their day searching for good deeds to be done,
or simply takes advantage of random opportunities to spread love,
every action (or inaction) has a resounding impact.
The question is: Is your impact today going to be positive, negative, or indifferent?
I have been told that one person can't make a difference.
I affectionately call these people "dummies"...
Those who actively try to hold the rest of us down,
those who would rather watch you drown than help you soar, those who can't grasp the power of positivity to create change.
Whether it's a great recipe found, or an uplifting story to share, you can be sure to find it here.
Let's start a Positivity Revolution, and drown out the dumb!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Cooking for Two

For most of my life, I had viewed learning to cook as a burden; as something a woman does to get prepared for marriage. As a girl, I never thought about marriage, and therefore never thought about cooking. I didn't have the slightest interest in this wonderful activity that now happily takes up much of my time. It didn't cross my mind that someday I'd want to cook delicious food for myself, or that I would fall in love and want to cook for my man, and sadly I didn't learn to cook anything substantial until I moved out of my parent's house.

My best friend and I somehow managed to host a Thanksgiving dinner when I was eighteen, in my tiny apartment with a half dozen people to feed. We dragged my patio table into the dining room for classy self-service, and I'm pretty sure we all ate on the couch or floor in front of my tiny TV. (This was before I had a digital camera, but I know I have a picture of this buried in a box somewhere!)
That was probably the defining moment in my cooking life, when I realized that I could bring people together and make them happy with delicious food. I used to throw girls-only brunches on Sundays, and we would sip on mimosas and stuff ourselves into food comas on french toast. I would watch Food Network constantly, and try to recreate the insane dishes they featured on shows like "Chopped". Over the years, I have made delicious food that disappears instantly, and I have made disastrous food that the garbage disposal gets to eat. I am always amazed and proud when I can produce something out of my kitchen that someone loves (and I always pout when I destroy what was intended to be a terrific meal)!

The holidays really kicked my butt on the diet front, and on more than one occassion, my fat girl triumphiantly won the battle between my waistline and a delectable dessert. So now, with the new year ahead and the yummy holiday food behind, I have made it my goal to get healthy. I by no means want to diet, but instead I'd like to try and tweak my favorite comfort-food recipes into healthier everyday options. I have a ton of unopened cookbooks, cooking magazines, random recipe clippings plus a few (or more) favorite cooking websites, and I could think of no better activity than to incorporate my good intentions of eating healthier into some experimentation in the kitchen!

Good, Bad, or Ugly...Let the adventure begin :)

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